Hello & Welcome!
Hey! Welcome! I am Lizzie. First thing, I am mom to an amazing daughter. She has been the main, and biggest, catalyst for my healing and growth journey. She has brought such beauty and magic into my life. She has taught me more in the past 13 years than I even thought possible in a lifetime. I am Transformational and Alchemical Life coach. I have certifications in different energy healing modalities, Peaceful Periods, Emotional Intelligence Life Coaching, and more. On my path I have tried many things, but one thing was always true, I wanted to help and serve others. I want to show them that even through pain, growth and alchemy are possible. I am addicted to learning and finding new ways to bring this information to others and weave it into everything I do. By taking inspired action, I have become the alchemist of my own life. I believe that everyone deserves to live an inspired life of fulfillment. My Why: I come from a background full trauma and dysfunction, as a child and as an adult. I struggled with chronic illness and autoimmune dis-ease (which I have healed 90-ish%), feelings of abandonment, being used, not being understood and definitely feeling like I was never enough for anyone but "too much" at the same time. It came to a point where I had such high anxiety that I was surprised I was even functioning at all. I didn't understand why I was trying so hard to be all the things, but people were still unhappy with me. Now I realize that it was because I was out of alignment, and I wasn't happy with me. I used to have the mindset that the Big U was out to get me, that everyone was. I could not understand why all these things were happening to me. That was until realized that many of the things, even the things that hurt, were happening for me and that I was the cause of most of my pain. Freaking hard pills to swallow. Helping other beautiful humans has always been my mission but it wasn't until I started to heal myself that things become clear. My daughter was the catalyst that jump started the deep healing. At the time I didn't feel strong enough to do it for myself, so I said everything was for her, because she deserved and was worthy of a healed/healing mommy. In reality we both deserved this. I was not going to keep perpetuating the same dysfunction of mothers and daughters in my family. I started to deep dive into holistic healing, so healing on all layers and levels. It changed me and I continue to heal, grow, evolve and change every single day. I used to make my decisions based around fear and pain, but now, I make my decisions based around inspiration and what I wish to see in my reality and the world. I don't blame the Big U or anyone else anymore. I take full accountability for my own life and how I wish to see things, past, present and future. I am present with my daughter & just as she teaches me, I help guide her as she teaches me. I believe that everyone deserves freedom and to have a life lead by inspiration instead of fear and pain. Freedom is actually a core value of IA along with Intuition and Gratitude. Everyone deserves to live a life designed by love and inspiration from your soul. I really have so much I could talk about but 40+ years is a lot to express in a small space. One more thing, I love you and thank you for being you!
Let's find your unique magic!
With Love, Lizzie
Disclaimer: Life coaching and energy work is not a substitution for a medical professional. None of what is on this site, or the work done in sessions is meant to take the place of a medical doctor or mental health professional. If you are looking to make changes to your health care routine, please contact your doctor or in the case of a medical emergency please call 911.